The Economist UK - 29.02.2020

(Martin Jones) #1
The EconomistFebruary 29th 2020 65



f you travelon a modern airliner, the
chances are that each of the jet engines
powering it will have a virtual copy resid-
ing in a computer on the ground. This copy,
known as a digital twin, will be updated
constantly with information from sensors
that measure the engine’s performance
and check for signs of wear and tear. Digital
twins allow engineers to service engines as
and when needed, rather than sticking to
rigid schedules, and let them carry out pre-
ventive maintenance by fixing things be-
fore they break. Their use is increasingly
common—not only in aerospace, but also
in carmaking, construction and factory
planning. If an international team of re-
searchers have their way, similar twins will
soon keep an eye on another important
piece of equipment, the human heart.
Building a digital twin of a patient’s
heart would first require that person to don
a variety of sensors. The data from these
would then be turned by specialised soft-
ware into a computer simulation of the
pumping organ. This simulation would

show detailed information about how the
heart is working, and the way blood is flow-
ing within it. And, in the same way that dig-
ital twins in industry are employed by en-
gineers, virtual hearts could be used by
doctors to help with their diagnoses and to
determine what treatments might be nec-
essary. A twin could then keep track of how
a patient responded to those treatments.

Heart of the matter
The idea of creating digital heart-twins
comes from a cardiac-research programme
called echoes, led by Frank Rademakers of
University Hospitals Leuven, in Belgium.
Several European and American research

groups are involved, including the Univer-
sities of Sheffield and Bristol in Britain and,
in America, Harvard and Stanford, along
with firms such as ansys, a computer-
simulation company, and ge, which makes
jet engines and medical devices.
An important part of echoesis the de-
velopment of miniaturised sensors that
will allow people to wear the monitoring
equipment throughout their daily lives,
rather than just in a clinic or a doctor’s sur-
gery, says Tim Chico of the University of
Sheffield, who leads the British arm of the
project. This will permit heart function to
be simulated in a variety of circumstances,
including walking, sleeping and climbing
stairs, rather than just for the brief period
when a patient is undergoing clinical ex-
amination. Although some portable cardi-
ac devices are already available—small
electrocardiographs worn on a belt, for ex-
ample, with leads that attach to a patient’s
chest to trace the rhythm and electrical ac-
tivity of the heart—these tend to be used for
just a couple of days. Digital twins would
draw data from a broader suite of sensors,
and for longer.
Some of the monitoring could be done
by existing or adapted consumer products,
such as health apps on smartphones and
fitness trackers, adds Dr Chico. Other sen-
sors, with more sophisticated capabilities,
are being developed by echoes’ members.
These include a wearable ultrasound scan-
ner which Jan d’hooge and his colleagues at


The heart’s digital twin

How virtual copies of patients’ hearts could help doctors diagnose and treat
cardiac disease

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