The Baghdad Set_ Iraq through the Eyes of British Intelligence, 1941–45

(Ann) #1


Records of the US Nürnberg War Crimes Trials

RG 238 Misc interrogations

Records of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)

RG 263/EZZ17/B3 RG 263/EZZ18/B35
CIA Research Tool (CREST) Misc documents

Records of the Army Staff

RG 319/E85/B958

The National Archives (Kew, Surrey) [TNA]

Records of the Air Ministry, Royal Air Force

AIR 23/5860 AIR 29/2506 AIR 29/2510 AIR 29/2514
AIR 23/5951 AIR 29/2507 AIR 29/2511 AIR 29/2515
AIR 29/2504 AIR 29/2508 AIR 29/2512
AIR 29/2505 AIR 29/2509 AIR 29/2513

Records of the Cabinet

CAB 102/610

Records of the Colonial Office

CO 725/52/5 CO 725/73/9 CO 725/74/15 CO 850/130/10
CO 725/68/2 CO 725/74/10 CO 732/85/7 CO 967/130

Records of the Foreign Office

FO 371/23213 FO 371/27098 FO 371/45337 FO 624/26/838
FO 371/23218 FO 371/27100 FO 371/45343 FO 624/28/195
FO 371/23251 FO 371/27103 FO 371/45350 FO 624/29/634
FO 371/24561 FO 371/27114 FO 371/52423 FO 624/32
FO 371/24562 FO 371/30149 FO 371/75145 FO 624/36/306
FO 371/24639 FO 371/35020 FO 395/663 FO 624/38/457
FO 371/24644 FO 371/40089 FO 624/24/448 FO 799/8
FO 371/27085 FO 371/40107 FO 624/26/567 FO 898/110
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