The Baghdad Set_ Iraq through the Eyes of British Intelligence, 1941–45

(Ann) #1


Ahmed, Abdullah, 196, 197
Ah-Tenuah, 82
Heinkel He-111, 52
Messerschmitt Me-110, 52
Northrop A-17 ‘Nomad,’ 53, 54
Air intelligence, see Royal Air Force
Air Ministry, 54
Air Officer Commanding (AOC), see
Royal Air Force (RAF)
Air policing, xv, 43n7
Albania, 235
Aleppo, 155, 156, 167n34, 198
See also Centre d’Examination des
Voyageurs (CEV)
Al-Faw, see Fao
Al-Futuwwa (Iraqi Youth Movement),
Allen, Thomas B.W. ‘Tom,’ 220,
230–233, 235–237, 238n7,
242n51, 242n53–55, 243n56
Allied, Allies, xvi, xviiin4, 48, 54,
60n24, 73, 81, 82, 84, 85, 106,
120, 122, 126, 131, 135,
149n50, 161, 164, 174, 187,
188, 193–195, 200, 206,
216n68, 216n74, 222, 227, 233,
234, 237, 242n53, 252
Allied Control Commission, 176
Al-Majalla, 75
Al-Rai al-Am, 75
Al-Ubra, see Hayouoglukoy (al-Ubra)
Alwiyah, 252
Amara, 84, 153, 197, 198
Ambassador(s), 7, 27n47, 37, 41, 42,
56, 66, 105, 107, 108, 119, 120,
139, 140, 142, 185, 247, 248,
American-Iraqi Trading Company, 226
Amman, 175
Amt Ausland/Abwehr, see Abwehr

Amt IV, see Reichssicherheitshauptamt
Amt VI, see Reichssicherheitshauptamt
Andriassian, Hamparson, 156, 157
Anglo-American relations, 233, 235,
Anglo-Iranian Oil Company (AIOC),
28n51, 95, 110n8, 110n13, 128,
146n25, 160, 191, 211n32
Anglo-Iraqi joint frontier control, 127
Anglo-Iraqi Security Board (AISB),
129, 148n48
Anglo-Iraqi Treaty, 32
Anglo-Iraqi War, xiii, 53, 56n2, 95,
170, 174, 196, 205
Anglo-Persian Oil Company (APOC),
17, 27n49, 28n51, 29n64, 43n5,
Anglophilia, Anglophile(s), 147n36,
Anglo-Polish relations, 193
Anglo-Soviet invasion of Persia, 115
Anglo-Soviet-Persian Censorship, 127
Anhalt, 182
Anhalt, Joachim Ernst von (Duke of
Anhalt), 182, 208n3
Ankara, 185
Antakya, 202
Antibolshevism, 48, 253
Antifascist, 68, 69, 80–82
Antisemitism, 45n19, 48, 77, 253, 254
Arabia, 32, 70
Arabian Sea, 162
Arabisches Büro (AB), 185, 202
Arabist(s), xviiin4, 11, 45n19, 139,
Arab News Bureau, 109
Arab ‘street,’ 35, 64, 106
Archaeology, archaeologist(s), 9, 16,
29n64, 34, 96, 167n34, 241n42,
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