Julia Cameron - The Artist\'s Way - Workbook [EnglishOnlineClub.com]

(Lia Mure_vYtyA) #1


Goal Search: You may find the following exercise difficult. Allow yourself to
do it anyway. If multiple dreams occur to you, do the exercise for each one of
them. The simple act of imagining a dream in concrete detail helps us to bring
it into reality. Think of your goal search as a preliminary architect’s drawing
for the life you would wish to have.


Your    desire  is  your    prayer. Picture the fulfillment of  your    desire  now and feel    its reality and
you will experience the joy of the answered prayer.

The Steps

  1. Name your dream. That’s right. Write it down. “In a perfect
    world, I would secretly love to be a ____.”

  2. Name one concrete goal that signals to you its accomplishment.
    On your emotional compass, this goal signifies true north. (For example,
    two women may want to be actresses. They share that dream. For one, an
    article in People magazine is the concrete goal. To her, glamour is the
    emotional center for her dream; glamour is true north. For the second

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