Julia Cameron - The Artist\'s Way - Workbook [EnglishOnlineClub.com]

(Lia Mure_vYtyA) #1


Visualizing: You have already done work with naming your goal and
identifying true north. The following exercise asks you to fully imagine
having your goal accomplished. Please spend enough time to fill in the juicy
details that would really make the experience wonderful for you.

Name your goal: I am __.

In the present tense, describe yourself doing it at the height of your powers!
This is your ideal scene.

Read this aloud to yourself.

Post this above your work area.

Read this aloud, daily!

For the next week collect actual pictures of yourself and combine them with
magazine images to collage your ideal scene described above. Remember,
seeing is believing, and the added visual cue of your real self in your ideal
scene can make it far more real.

Learning    is  movement    from    moment  to  moment.

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