Julia Cameron - The Artist\'s Way - Workbook [EnglishOnlineClub.com]

(Lia Mure_vYtyA) #1


Touchstones: Make a quick list of things you love, happiness touchstones for
you. River rocks worn smooth, willow trees, cornflowers, chicory, real Italian
bread, homemade vegetable soup, the BoDeans’ music, black beans and rice,
the smell of new-mown grass, blue velvet (the cloth and the song), Aunt
Minnie’s crumb pie ...

You may want to copy them on a blank sheet of paper and post it where it
can console you and remind you of your own personal touchstones. You may
want to draw one of the items on your list—or acquire it. If you love blue
velvet, get a remnant and use it as a runner on a sideboard or dresser, or tack
it to the wall and mount images on it. Play a little.

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