Julia Cameron - The Artist\'s Way - Workbook [EnglishOnlineClub.com]

(Lia Mure_vYtyA) #1
your    own answers within  you.

A Word to Therapists, Teachers, Writing Instructors, and Other Artist’s Way
Group Leaders.
Thank you for the wonderful work you do. While I know that
many of you are using The Artist’s Way to run groups, I hope and expect that
you will go on to explore your own interests using The Artist’s Way for your
process also. I encourage you to follow your own creative vision, to strive for
your own true north. You will find that the facilitation process continues your
own growth experience.

I cannot state emphatically enough that the Artist’s Way fame and path
should not be used in ways that differ substantially from the Artist’s Way
techniques as spelled out in the book. I have tested the tools for a decade and
a half in order to find them roadworthy. I ask that you refrain from presenting
yourselves publicly as Artist’s Way “experts,” though you may use the book
within your practice. I ask that you remember that the wisdom of The Artist’s
is a collective, nonhierarchical experience. I have heard of abuses of this
principle, such as a group leader’s requiring the morning pages to be read in
the group. This is not in the spirit of the book. Facilitated groups should
“graduate” into free, peer-run clusters.

A Word to Therapeutic Clients. Please remember that the book itself
remains the primary source of the Artist’s Way teachings, and that it is your
interpretation, and your work with the book and its tools, that are central to
you in your recovery. I remind you that the work is your own, not just
something done under the influence of a magic teacher. Please “own” your
recovery as your recovery.

Thank You. I am delighted The Artist’s Way is used in the many contexts in
which it is (such as colleges and universities, by therapists, by peer-run
clusters). I again offer the reminder that the Artist’s Way is intended to be
used in keeping with the spirit of the book as written. There is always the
book itself to refer to. This is an individual’s journey that may be facilitated
by the group process. If you cannot find or start a group, consider you and the
book to constitute one!

Pass It On. To those forming a peer-run cluster, you do not need to make
the Artist’s Way a moneymaking venture, for me or for you. If you follow the
spiritual practice of tithing, I recommend buying the book and passing it on.

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