Julia Cameron - The Artist\'s Way - Workbook [EnglishOnlineClub.com]

(Lia Mure_vYtyA) #1


Habits: Take a look at your habits. Many of them may interfere with your
self-nurturing and cause shame. Some of the oddest things are self-
destructive. Do you have a habit of watching TV you don’t like? Do you have
a habit of hanging out with a really boring friend and just killing time (there’s
an expression!)? Some rotten habits are obvious, overt (drinking too much,
smoking, eating instead of writing). List three obvious rotten habits. What’s
the payoff in continuing them?

Some rotten habits are more subtle (no time to exercise, little time to pray,
always helping others, not getting any self-nurturing, hanging out with people
who belittle your dreams). List three of your subtle foes. What use do these
forms of sabotage have? Be specific.

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