Julia Cameron - The Artist\'s Way - Workbook [EnglishOnlineClub.com]

(Lia Mure_vYtyA) #1


Prosperity: Any changes in your financial situation or your perspective on it?
Any new—even crazy—ideas about what you would love doing? Pull images
around this and add to your image file. Paste a few of them here.

  1. How many days this week did you do your morning pages?
    (Have you used them yet to think about creative luxury for yourself ?)
    How was the experience for you?

  2. Did you do your artist’s date this week? (Have you considered
    allowing yourself two?) What did you do? How did it feel?

  3. Did you experience any synchronicity this week? What was it?

  4. Were there any other issues this week that you consider
    significant for your recovery? Describe them.


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