clean and healthy as before giving birth.” (History of the Indies [New York:
Harper and Row, 1971], 64).
57 “Harper’s Index,” Harper’s, 2/ 1993, 15, citing Ross Labs. Many hospitals
still separate mothers and infants except for feeding time, even though
scientific studies—which seem to be the only point of leverage for changing
birthing practices—show that randomly selected neonatals raised with more
parental contact have higher IQs. See Feinsilber and Mead, American
Averages, 227-28.
58 Philip D. Curtin, The Rise and Fall of the Plantation Complex
(Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1990), esp. 35, gives an interesting
analysis of the rise of the nation-state as a necessary response to the military
might of neighboring nation-states. Curtin argues that in other ways nation-
states were not necessarily advantageous for their citizens. If the need to
control nuclear weapons leads to an era of relative peace in the next century,
that may remove a primary reason for the power of the nation-state.
59 Ruth Bond, “In the Ozone, a Child Shall Lead Them,” New York Times,
60 Daniel Evan Weiss, The Great Divide (New York: Poseidon, 1991), 136.
61 National Association of Secretaries of State New Millennium Survey,
1999,, 12/2006.
62 See Catherine Cornbleth, Geneva Gay, and K. G. Dueck, “Pluralism and
Unity,” in Howard Mehlinger and O. L. Davis, eds., The Social Studies
(Chicago: University of Chicago Press/NSSE Yearbook, 1981), 174.
63 E. J. Mishan, Pornography, Psychedelics, and Technology (London:
George Allen and Unwin, 1980), 25, 150-51. See also Jonathan Kozol, The
Night Is Dark and I Am Far from Home (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1975), 40.