Forrest, Nathan Bedford
Fort Pillow massacre
Fourteenth Amendment
France, Anatole
Frank, Mitch
Franklin, Benjamin
Freire, Paulo
French and Indian War
Frisch, Michael
Gabler, Mel
Gabler, Norma
Gagnon, Paul
Garison, William Lloyd
Garraty, John A.; see also American History
Geffert, Hannah
Gettysburg Address
Giroux, Henry
Gleijesus, Piero
Gone With the Wind (novel and movie)
Goodlad, John
Goodman, Andrew
“Good Neighbor Policy,”
Gorges, Ferdinando
Graff, Henry
Grand Army of the Republic
Grant, Ulysses S.
Greeley, Horace; Lincoln’s letter to
Griffen, William L.
Griffith, David W.; see also Birth of a Nation
Gross, Richard