Indian Historian Press
Indians; adaptation by; aid given by, to whites; assimilation of blacks and
whites by; barriers to acculturation of; Columbus and; devastating effect of
plagues on; enslavement of; Founding Fathers and; influence of; and Plymouth
colony; precontact population of; in twentieth century; and War of 1812
Indian Territory
Indian Wars
inequality; economic; gender; see also racism; social class
Inmuttooyahlatlat (“Chief Joseph”)
“inquiry” textbooks; see also American Adventure, The; Discovering
American History
Interesting Events—the History of the United States
Iran-Contra scandal
Iraq War
Irving, Washington
Isabella, Queen
Ives, Charles
Jackson, Andrew
Jackson, Carolyn
Jackson, Helen Hunt
James, Frank
Jamestown; see also Virginia colony
Jefferson, Thomas; and Indians; and slavery
Jenness, David
Jennings, Francis
Jett, Stephen
Johnson, Andrew
Johnson, Lyndon Baines