“Philip, King,” (Metacomet)
Phillips, Wendell
Phoenicians (Afro-Phoenicians)
Pierce, Bessie
Pitcaithley, D. T.
plague, bubonic
plagues; devastating effect of, on Native people; in Europe
Plains Indians
Plessy v. Ferguson
Plymouth colony: founding of; Indians and
population, Indian: catastrophic decline of; precontact
Postman, Neil
power elite theory
Profiles in Courage
progress, archetype of
Puerto Rico
race riots
racial idealism: in Civil War; in Reconstruction; see also abolitionists; Brown,
John; Lincoln, Abraham
racism; of Democratic Party; against Indians; during nadir of race relations
(1890-1920); in popular culture; roots of; of Woodrow Wilson; see also
African Americans, terrorism against; segregation; slavery
Ray, James Earl
Reagan, Ronald
Reconstruction; Confederate myth of
Reeb, James
religion; see also Christianity; Islam
Republican Party
Revere, Paul
Revolutionary War, see American Revolution
Rice v. Gong Lum
Rise of the American Nation