Simpson, Howard
Sizer, Theodore
slavery; Columbus’s role in; as Democratic-Republican issue; Founding
Fathers and; Indians in; in the North; racism as a legacy of; and territorial
expansion; and U.S. foreign policy
smallpox; see also plagues
Smith, Capt. John
social class; students and
Social Darwinism
social mobility
Soltow, Lee
Soviet Union; see also Russian Revolution
Spanish-American War
Stephens, Alexander
students; indifference of, toward study of history; non-white; and social class
Sutter, John
Swieres, George
Tax, Sol
teachers; college; innovative; use of textbooks by
Teoli, Camella
Texas; textbook adoptions in
textbook adoptions; influence of statewide adoption boards on
textbooks: authorship of; and citizenship; constraints on; copying among;
downplaying of ideas by; Frances FitzGerald’s critique of; lack of passion in;
marketing of; optimism of; plagiarism in; purpose of; right-wing critics of; and
secondary historical works; size of