(Sun May09cfyK) #1
On a sunny day, take students outside and
have them observe and trace their own
shadows at different times of the day.
Discuss why shadows change in size and
direction as the position of the sun

Colour And Light

Activities of Learning Colour

Activities of Learning Light

Students are divided into several groups.
Use board games or playing cards that teach
Children can learn about colors while

Deep Learning Plan

Activity 1 :

Activity 2 :
Sing color-related songs with the
children. Suitable examples include 'I
See Something Blue' or 'The Colors Song.’

Activity 1 :
Provide students with mirrors and various
objects. Ask them to investigate how
light reflects off different surfaces.
They can observe how the angle of
incidence affects the angle of
Activity 2 :

Elements Across the Curriculum of the
Language: Proper Use of Language
Science and Technology: Increasing interest in science and technology can
enhance scientific and technological literacy among students.
Information and Communication Technology: The application of Information
and Communication Technology (ICT) elements in teaching and learning
ensures that students can apply and strengthen the basic ICT knowledge
and skills they have learned.


Online Apps for Assessments

Google Forms: For creating surveys and quizzes.
Kahoot!: A game-based learning platform for interactive quizzes.
Quizlet: Ideal for flashcards, study sets, and quizzes.
Edmodo: A classroom management and assessment tool.
Socrative: For quick quizzes and formative assessments.
Padlet: Great for collaborative assessments and discussions.

Stating that light travels in a straight line, can
be reflected and refracted.
Drawing a diagram of a light ray showing its
reflection on a mirror.

Stating that light travels in a straight line, can
be reflected and refracted.
Drawing a diagram of a light ray showing its
reflection on a mirror.
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