Region Profiles
Skill outlook
(^96) keillss mRoisllti pnroigr (^) tiszieRdi lflo fr roecskuillnisg and upskilling in the next ıve years (share of organizations surveyed)
Skills, knowledge and abilities Attitudes Global aYerage
AAnI andalyti cbalig t dhatinkaing^5497 %%
C/ereadateivrseh tihpin andkin gsocial inIJuence 3326 %%
CTeucrhionsoitylo (^) gandical lliifteeloracyng learning^3209 %%
MEnovtiirvoatnmionen andtal^ ssteewlf-arawdsarheinpess^2232 %%
1etwDepeondrksab andility andcyb eatrtseenctuiornity to detail 2212 %%
:R 6 killisl rle sTutiaredb iblyit thye workforce that are expected to remain the same (share of all skills
rTerTauiirendi)ng type^5 Global%^ %
Tsuyprveesy oedf t)raining prioritized by organizations surveyed for future reskililng and upskilling (share of organizations
ROL^1 ES%^2 %^1 %^22 %^16 R%EGION^11 G%LOBAL
Employer-sponsored apprenticeships^14 %^1 %
Internal training departments^23 %^2 %
/icensed training from professional associations^15 %^13 %
On-the-job training and coaching^22 %^2 %
Private-sector online-learning platforms^16 %^12 %
8 niversities and other educational institutions^11 %^1 %
T 3 rrefaerinreidn sgou frcuens odfi funngding for training, upskilling and reskilling efforts (share of organizations surveyed)
CFroee-fu-onf-dcinogs (^) tacr traionsisng the industry^2315 %%^1268 %%
Funded by government^22 %^22 %
FPuunbdlice-dp brivyat mey h oyrbgrani]id fuatndioinng 3747 %%^8274 %%
:orkIorFe VtrDteJ\ outlook
T(xapelectnedt cohuantgloe ino Rtal iennt (^) availability, development and retention in the next ıve years (share of organizations
surv,PeypreodYin)g :orsening Global aYerage Global aYerage
T 2 al 0 e%nt av- 100 ai%lability when hiring + 100 % 49 %
T 4 al%ent d- 1 e 00 v%elopment of existing workforce + 100 % 76 %
T 1 al 6 e%nt r- 1 e 0 te 0 %ntion of existing workforce + 100 % 56 %
)Toup psiracnteicesss w pithr athce gtriceateess (^) t ptoot (^) einmtialp troo imvpero (^) vtea tlaleenntt av aaivablaiillitay (bshiarlitey of organizations surveyed)
- Oijer higher wages^48 %^3 %
- Improve talent progression and promotion processes^46 % %
- Provide eijective reskilling and upskilling^29 %^3 %
. Improve working hours and overtime^22 %^1 %
. Improve internal-communication strategy^19 %^1 % - Improve people-and-culture metrics and reporting^18 %^1 %
- Support employee health and well-being^18 %^1 %
. Ocoijuenrt^ mrieosre^ remote^ and^ hybrid^ work^ opportunities^ within^17 %^21 %
. Mproogreram^ divmeressity,^ eTuity^ and^ inclusion^ policies^ and^17 %^1 %
1 Improve safety in the workplace^16 % %
K0oesyt c comommonp coomnpeonntensts o off '+(,, pr (^0) o pgrramogmersa m(sharmee osf organizations surveyed)
REGION GLOBAL - Run comprehensive DEI training for managers^35 % ^2 %
- Run comprehensive DEI training for staij^32 %^36 %
- Evinrtuaball es^ ipncaceslusion^ and^ accessibility^ across^ physical^ and^31 %^33 %
. Echmaibned^ DEI^ goals^ and^ solutions^ across^ the^ supply^23 %^23 %
:h(sharae roef o orgfan cizatomionps saunrvieeyesd (^) )^ith +, 0 7 rograms (^5) Global% %
R&egieon (^) nProtfilreaO $sia / 2
Future of Jobs Report 2023 88