Culture Shock! Egypt - A Survival Guide to Customs and Etiquette

(Brent) #1

322 CultureShock! Egypt

It has specific sections for the major areas of the world,
and one short section specifically addressing Egypt. It
is also the book probably used most frequently in MBA
programmes to introduce professionals to the art of cross-
cultural communications in business.

Valley of the Golden Mummies: The Greatest Egyptian Discovery
Since Tutankhamon. Zahi Hawass. New York, NY: Harry N
Abrams, 2000; London, UK: Virgin Books, 2000.
„ An exciting find in 1999 located in the Bahariya Oasis west
of Cairo has yielded numerous golden shrouded mummies.
‘In the winter of 1996, a guard at the temple of Alexander
the Great near Bahariya, Egypt, reported an astounding
discovery: during a routine patrol, he had been startled
when the donkey he had been riding fell into a hole. Helping
the donkey out of its predicament, the guard saw that the
hole was in fact an opening into a tomb–and one from
which a mummy’s golden face peered.’ I can hardly wait
for more publications on this important new site.

Bedouin Life in the Egyptian Wilderness. Joseph J Hobbs.
Austin, TX: University of Texas Press, 1992.
„ This book is an interesting study of nomadic life among
the Bedouins of Egypt. Not nearly as readable as Mahfouz
or Fernea, it still provides important information on the
beliefs, values, folklore and ethnobotany of this small group
of Egyptians.

A History of the Arab Peoples. Albert Hourani. London, UK:
Faber and Faber, 2005.
„ Actually, reading any of the myriad of articles or books
written by Professor Hourani will give you an outstanding
synthesis of 1,400 years of political, cultural and social
events in the Middle East as well as useful information
regarding more specific issues in the region.

Ancient Egypt: Anatomy of a Civilization. Barry J Kemp.
London, UK & New York, NY: Routledge, 1992.
„ This book provides an excellent summary of what we
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