Culture Shock! Egypt - A Survival Guide to Customs and Etiquette

(Brent) #1

328 CultureShock! Egypt

cinemas 217
cultural activities 215–217
libraries and bookstores 217–221
newspapers and magazines
television and radio 221–222
environmental issues 14
ethnic groups 63–64
Bedouins 63, 64, 93, 103, 113
Egyptians 63
Nubians 63, 63–64, 64, 79
extra-marital affairs 226
facilities for the handicapped 182
family 69–72
honour 74–79
roles 73–74
fellahin 17, 110, 113
female genital mutilation (FGM)
festivals and holidays 215
calendar 215
fi nancial matters 142–143
banks 142
credit cards 143
foreign exchange 142–143
opening an account 142
transactions 142
food and drink 196–201
breads and sweets 204–205
breakfast 198
butcher 202
drinking water 206–207
fruit and vegetable 204, 206
hygiene 202
lunch and dinner 199–200
recipes 200–201
restaurants and takeaway 196–197
safety tips 207
special foods 138–139
spice glossary 208–210
street vendors 202–204
typical dishes 197
formalities 124–127
documents to bring 126–127
HIV-AIDS test 125
pre-entry vaccinations 127

renewable visa 124
work permit 125
friendship 115–116

geography 11–14
getting around 153–176
asking directions 173–174
buses 156–159
Cairo Metro 161–164
donkeys and donkey carts 170
new traffi c regulations 168
taxis 159–163
traffi c 164–167
traffi c police 169
trains 153
two-wheelers 169, 171
walking 172–175
gifts 119–121
government system 41–42

Hatshepsut 24, 46, 230, 276
history 26–40
Greco-Roman period 34–36
predynastic and dynastic 28–34
recent 36–40
homosexuality 225–226
hospitality 114–115
housing 127–131
Islam 36, 41, 42, 48, 51, 53, 59–62,
63, 73, 93, 94, 98, 99, 100, 101,
107, 161, 190, 202, 212, 213, 214,
264, 272, 278
Five Pillars of Islam 61–62
Qur’an 59, 60, 100, 106, 107,
202, 238, 240
Ramadan 61, 62, 212, 213–214
King Tut See Tutankhamun
kitchen and household
supplies 139–140
Koran See Islam, Qur’an

Lake Nasser 12, 13, 26, 27
Arabic 238–239
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