Culture Shock! Bolivia - A Survival Guide to Customs and Etiquette

(Grace) #1

236 CultureShock! Bolivia

Chiji (Aym, Que) Grass
Cunasa sutimaja (Aym) What’s your name?

Huaironco (Que)

Originally ‘bumble bee,’
more frequently used
as a metaphor meaning
indecisive or beating
around the bush
Ima sutiqui (Que) What’s your name?
Imilla (Aym) Girl

Inti (Aym, Que)

Sun (used in names
of businesses and
Jaccha (Aym) Big

Janihua (Aym)

Literally ‘no,’ metaphor is
Juntucha (Aym) The leftovers
Khencha (Que) Jinx
Llokalla (Aym, Que) Boy, Indian
Puchu (Aym, Que) Leftover

Sullu (Aym, Que)

Literally ‘abortion,’
metaphor is ‘malnourished’
Ta t a (Que) Father, old man
Tatai (Que) My father
Ta y a (Aym) Cold
Ttanta (Aym, Que) Bread
Tucsa (Aym) Stinking

Yapa (Que, Aym)

This is equivalent to the
13th piece of bread in a
bakers dozen, the bonus
that a steady customer
receives. La yapa is
remarkably similar to
the Cajun word Lagniape,
which means the same
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