Culture Shock! Bolivia - A Survival Guide to Customs and Etiquette

(Grace) #1
Fast Facts About Bolivia 259

ENFE Empresa Nacional de Ferrocarriles, former
national railways now privatised by a
Chilean company.
ENTEL Empresa Nacional de Teléfonos, national
phone company whose temporary
monopoly has ended.
FEDECOR Combining the Coordinating Committee
for the Defense of Water and Gas with the
Departmental Federation of Water Users
of Cochabamba (Coordinadora del Agua
y el Gas y Federación Departamental de
Regantes de Cochabamba), this grass
roots group has been responsible for
defending Cochabamba’s water resources
against transnational corporations and later
managing these resources.
FEJUVE The Federation of Neighborhood Assemblies
of El Alto (La Federación de Juntas Vecinales
de El Alto) has been a primary player
in social movements to defend Bolivian
resources such as natural gas and water
from privatisation and foreign control.
FOBOMADE A non-governmental environmental
organisation, Bolivian Forum for Environment
and Development (Foro Boliviano—
Medioambiente y Desarrollo)
INRA Agrarian Reform Institute (Instituto de
Reforma Agraria)
LAB Lloyd Aéreo Boliviano, former flagship
PIL Former Bolivian milk company now
privatised by a Peruvian fi rm.
UMSA The largest branch of Bolivia’s national
university, in La Paz (Universidad Mayor de
San Andrés)
YPFB Yacimientos Petrolíferos Fiscales Bolivianos,
former national oil company, now

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