Culture Shock! Chile - A Survival Guide to Customs and Etiquette

(Michael S) #1

158 CultureShock! Chile


In addition to the Aymara, the Atacameños, Quechua
and Kollas are indigenous tribes that live in the northern
part of Chile. Their numbers dwindled following the
Spanish conquest and the formation of the Chilean state, a
consequence of extermination, disease and inclusion into
mainstream society. The Diaguitas also lived in the north
and their pottery stands out as the best of all the indigenous
groups of Chile.


The Aymara inhabit the extreme northern part of Chile
and are part of the larger group of Aymara that also live
in Bolivia and parts of Peru. The Aymara reside primarily
in the altiplano (mountain plateau) and live off the land,
growing crops and raising livestock, including llamas. Many
travel frequently to the cities, while some have moved
there permanently. They have maintained their language,
although they also speak Spanish. Considered full members
of Chilean society, they continue to celebrate their own
special rituals. Some ceremonies are purely indigenous
while many others are a mixture of indigenous and Catholic
beliefs. Pachamama, Mother Earth, is often honoured in
their rituals. One of the better-known traditions is carnival,
a blend of Aymara and Catholic traditions. It is a celebration
of excess prior to the abstinence of Lent and has been
heavily influenced by carnivals in Bolivia and Peru. The
festival is observed by Indians and non-Indians alike, but
only in the north. Carnival is not celebrated in central or
southern Chile.

La Tirana

The festival of La Tirana has its origins with the Amerindians
in the north, but today all are invited to participate. The
festival takes place over three days each July in La Tirana,
a village 70 km (43 miles) from the city of Iquique. During
the festival the population swells from 5,000 to over 70,000.
La Tirana has been strongly influenced by the Bolivian
Carnival celebrations, particularly the one in Oruro.
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