Culture Shock! Chile - A Survival Guide to Customs and Etiquette

(Michael S) #1

174 CultureShock! Chile

loud and enthusiastic. It is broadcast on television throughout
Latin America. Although the festival has been criticised for
not including enough Chilean bands and for emphasising
mainstream Spanish pop music, it is nevertheless the main
event of the summer in Viña, and for that matter in Chile.
The Song Festival is held in the beginning of February. It
lasts for one week, with two performances daily, one in the
afternoon and the other at night. More than 30,000 spectators
fill the Quinta Vergara outdoor auditorium. The winner is
presented with the Gaviota (seagull) Trophy. The audience
decides what performers get the Antorcha (torch) Trophy
for their stage appeal.
The Semanas Musicales de Frutillar is another large
musical event. It is a 10-day classical music festival held in

Traditional Andean instruments like the zampoña (pan fl ute) have been
incorporated into current Chilean popular music.
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