98 CultureShock! China
they are properly registered as is required by your city of
residence. Antiques must be properly certified and fumigated
before leaving the country. Any qualified dealer will assist
you in preparation for export. You will always run the risk
of DVDs and CDs being confiscated because of piracy in
China. It is best to transfer them to a digital device before
you leave. Otherwise, it is a lottery as to whether they will
get through.
An expat assignment can be one of the most life-enriching
experiences a small child can have. Their ability to absorb
language allows them to be proficient long before their
parents. Making friends with children from other countries
and cultures gives a global perspective that will shape their
lifeview well into adulthood.
One of the critical factors of this experience is the school
that they will transfer into when they arrive in China. In
each major city in China, there are a number of international
schools tied to their home country curriculum, such as the
American School, the French School, the German School,
the British School and the Singapore International School. In