30 CultureShock! China
The Chinese People
First off, it’s important to recognise the complexity of
definitions. ‘Who is Chinese?’ is easily (though perhaps less
obviously to outsiders) as complex and fraught a question as
‘What makes an American?’ or ‘Who is a Jew?’
Does ‘Chineseness’ refer to citizenship in the People’s
Republic of China (PRC)? If so, that includes 56 official (and
probably many unofficial) minority ethnicities living primarily
in border regions annexed by China over the centuries, some
of whom (such as the separatists among the Tibetans and the
Muslim Uighurs of North-west China) refuse to acknowledge
Chinese sovereignty over them as valid.
Collectively, all of China’s minority ethnicities make up
approximately 8.5 per cent of the total population, making
China far less of a melting pot than many nations of Europe or
the Americas.
China’s Ten Largest Minority Ethnic Groups
by Population
Name of
Native Region
(note: most groups now have
nationwide distribution)
Zhuang 16,178,811 Guangxi, parts of Yunnan,
Guizhou, Hunan
Manchu 10,682,263
Throughout North-east and
North-central China
Hui 9,816,802
North-west China, especially
Ningxia and Gansu
Miao 8,940,116
South-west China, especially
Yunnan, Guangxi, Guizhou
Uighur 8,399,393
North-west China,
especially Xinjiang
Tujia 8,028,133 Hubei and Hunan