Co-creating at its best _ a conversation between master teachers ( PDFDrive )

(Keya BhowmikuNch1e) #1

Well, think about why that is. When you think a thought for as little as 17
seconds, Law of Attraction will bring another thought like it to it. So momentum

What do you mean? Law of Attraction will bring another thought like it to
it? What is
Law of Attraction**?**

Let’s say that you wake up in the morning, and rather than finding that clear
space that is potentially there for you, instead you begin thinking about the
trouble that you had yesterday at work. You remember the dilemma you were in
the middle of. You think about the discomfort. You think about the discord. And
as you focus for as little as 17 seconds upon that, more thoughts like those come
into your mind.

If you continue to think those thoughts for another 17 seconds, there will be
more momentum still. Another 17 seconds, more momentum still, until you
cross something as brief as the 68-second threshold. In just that short amount of
time you have missed your window of resonance with Source.

That happened to Esther recently and so we said to her, “Well, you can always
begin again tomorrow with more positive thoughts.” And Esther said, “I refuse
to accept that I have to wait all the way until tomorrow to get back on my high-
flying disc. I know I can do it by focusing.”

And we agree that with some deliberate focus Esther could return to a stream
of more-positive thoughts, but it is much easier to do it before negative
momentum begins than after negative momentum has begun.

So we like to talk about Law of Attraction because it is the vibrational engine
that manages everything. And we can’t talk about Law of Attraction without
talking about momentum, because there is a momentum in thought. And if you
think a thought long enough, it becomes a strong habit of thought. That is what a
belief is. A belief is just a thought you continue to think.

Sometimes you continue to perpetuate beliefs that do not serve you, but when
you first awaken, those beliefs are inactive enough that you could find a fresh
one. A fresh one that comes from Source that is about who-you-really-are and
what you really know.

Is the reverse of that if you awaken and you have a very positive thought,
such as,
I’m going to heal myself of this ...**?**

Well,   that    is  a   wonderful   thing,  once    you get that    momentum    going.
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