Co-creating at its best _ a conversation between master teachers ( PDFDrive )

(Keya BhowmikuNch1e) #1

momentum that you had going for so long, and to feel, for a moment, the
fullness of who-you-really-are. What you felt was the powerful God Force love
that was pouring through your father, your Non-Physical father, focused upon
you, wanting you to feel it.

The best way for us to say it is that his love was stronger than your hate. And
he caught you at a weak moment when your hatred was less focused. And you
felt it. There is no greater message that we wish to convey. That is what we are
talking about all day, every day.

People ask about healing. They want to find someone who can help them. And
we say, you know, Source is flooding this Energy of Well-Being toward you at
all times. You don’t need any other to do what Source is already doing. But if
someone can help you to soften your resistance so that you can somehow be
receptive to the love and Well-Being that’s being flowed, a little bit of alignment
goes a long way. And as you say, it is life-changing. Your life turned on a dime,
because you returned to the path of least resistance—to the lover that you are.
And you took big steps in leaving that hatred behind.

Is  there   only    love    on  the other   side?


There’s only    love.

Yes. Only love. Only love. Only, only, only, only Pure, Positive Energy, love
and clarity and passion and eagerness. Yes.

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