resistance. One of ease. One of fun. One of following your bliss. One of joy.
Most of the world doesn’t like the idea of following the path of least resistance.
To them it just seems like laziness.
So you take a little tributary where you choose some other things. And you
give it everything you’ve got. But the whole time you do it, you can feel that
your natural path is calling you. And ultimately the trajectory of who-you-really-
are always, always wins.
What takes you all so long to relax and give in to your natural Well-Being?
It’s that you’re listening to the others who have all the lists of things that you
need to do in order to please them, instead of listening to what the Source within
you knows.
Something you said earlier hit a chord: when you said that I am a
teacher. You must have said that to me five or six times before. And
throughout this entire thing, I said over and over, “ I am a teacher. I’m not
an employee; I am not somebody to be told where to go or how I’m going to
do it.”
“I am an extension of Source Energy, who has practiced my vibrational
frequency into such alignment with my true nature that anything less than that
feels off to me. And because I care about the way I feel, I guide myself easily
now toward the things that feel good. And therefore, I am always on my path.”
[Abraham addresses audience] And this book will lead you to yours.
And the things that feel good, sometimes we confuse like it’s safer or it’s
easier. But it doesn’t feel so good inside.
Safer feels better than fear or danger, and so it’s a step in the right direction.
But you don’t want to hang around for long reaching for safety, because you can
get a vibration going and then other things that are like that show up. In other
words, this is a self-course that you are all on. And you have Source Energy
guiding you every step of the way. And when you find something that feels
good, go that way.