I was thinking about this Guidance and about being able to see more
clearly now in my life. It took a lot of years and a lot of time, a lot of
experiences for me to be able to step back and to see that the right people
were showing up at the right time, and that the Guidance was there. And
that you have to have kind of a willingness to listen and a determination to
not allow other people to dictate to you what your life’s purpose is.
I was talking to Esther backstage that just this afternoon I watched the
movie called Jobs, the story of Steve Jobs. And while he behaved in a pretty
crass way to many people, there was an absolute knowing within him that
this is the way this industry has to go, or this is the way this company must
be run.
And he felt a certain level of frustration, because he knew he was in alignment
but was not able to convince the others because they were not in a place where
they could hear him.
And sometimes we find ourselves, like in relationships ... I was in a
relationship with my wife for many, many years, and we separated 13 years
ago. It was one of the most-trying times in my life, probably as close as I
ever was to depression. And yet it isn’t always just the things that smell
good and the things that look right and the things that make you feel right
that cause you to make those right turns and those about-faces and so on.
Sometimes it’s these enormous obstacles. And you have to almost be fearless
Well, we want to tease all of you a little bit by saying to you that if you were
more unwilling to put up with negative emotion, your lives would go a whole lot
better for you. You have trained yourselves to be willing to endure
misalignment. And then you make decisions without the clarity that you’re
talking about.
And then you seem to have to go down that path a little ways, until after a