From Classical Mechanics to Quantum Field Theory

(Romina) #1

198 From Classical Mechanics to Quantum Field Theory. A Tutorial

wherex 0 =ctdenotes the time-like coordinate and



10 0 0

0 −10 0

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From now on we shall assume that the speed of lightcis normalized to unit.
The geodesic which connects two points x, yof Minkowski space-time is a
straight line inR^4 and the Minkowski distance betweenxandyis

d(x, y)=(y 0 −x 0 )^2 −(y 1 −x 1 )^2 −(y 2 −x 2 )^2 −(y 3 −x 3 )^2.

When this distance vanishes, the geodesic line represents the trajectory of a light
ray connecting the two points.
The Minkowski metric introduces a causal structure in the space-time. The
line connecting two pointsx, yis time-like ifd(x, y)>0; space-like ifd(x, y)<0;
light-like ifd(x, y) = 0; Two pointsx, yare causally separated iffd(x, y)≥0; and
spatially separated iffd(x, y)<0; A causal line connectingx, yis future oriented
ify 0 −x 0 >0; past oriented ify 0 −x 0 <0 (See Figure 3.1).
The space-time symmetries of a relativistic theory are space-time translations,
x′=x+a (3.9)

Fig. 3.1 Light cone and causal structure of Minkowski space-time.
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