A Reader in Sociophonetics

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220 Cynthia G. Clopper


Clopper, Cynthia G., Brianna L. Conrey, and David B. Pisoni. 2005. Effects of talker
gender on dialect categorization. Journal of Language and Social Psychology 24
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Clopper, Cynthia G., Susannah V. Levi, and David B. Pisoni. 2006. Perceptual simi-
larity of regional dialects of American English. Journal of the Acoustical Society
of America 119: 56 6 –574.
Clopper, Cynthia G. and David B. Pisoni. 2004. Homebodies and army brats: Some
effects of early linguistic experience and residential history on dialect categoriza-
tion. Language Variation and Change 16: 31– 48.
Clopper, Cynthia G. and David B. Pisoni. 2006. Effects of region of origin and geo-
graphic mobility on perceptual dialect categorization. Language Variation and
Change 18: 193 –221.
Clopper, Cynthia G. and David B. Pisoni. 2007. Free classi¿ cation of regional dialects
of American English. Journal of Phonetics 35: 421– 438.
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Labov, William, Sharon Ash, and Charles Boberg. 2006. Atlas of North American
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Mullennix, John W., and David B. Pisoni. 1990. Stimulus variability and processing
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Niedzielski, Nancy. 1999. The effect of social information on the perception of socio-
linguistic variables. Journal of Language and Social Psychology 18 (1): 62 – 85.
Nygaard, Lynne C., Mitchell S. Sommers, and David B. Pisoni. 1994. Speech percep-
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Pierrehumbert, Janet B. 2001. Exemplar dynamics: Word frequency, lenition and con-
trast. In Joan Bybee and Paul Hopper (eds), Frequency and the emergence of lin-
guistic structure. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 137–157.

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