A Modern Approach to Verbal Reasoning

(Steven Felgate) #1

The captain maintained that he ran a taut ship.

  1. Tawdry : cheap and gaudy

he won a feew tawdry trinkets at Coney Island.

  1. Tarry : delay, dawdle

We can't tarry if we want to get to the airport on time.

7.tenuous : thin,rare, slim

The allegiance of our allies is held by rather tenuous
ties, let us hope they will remaiin loyal.

  1. Testy : Irritable , short tempered

My advice is to avoid discussing this problem with her
today as she is rather testy and may shout at you.

9.Toady : servile Hatterer , Yes man

Never tell the boss anything he doesn't want to hear;
he doesn't want an independent adviser, he just wants
a toady.

10.Tirade : extended scolding

Everytime the boss holds a meeting , he goes into
a lengthy tirade, scolding us for everything from
tordiness to padding our expenses.

  1. Toga : Roman outer robe

MarcAntony pointed to the slashes in Caesar's toga.

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