A Modern Approach to Verbal Reasoning

(Steven Felgate) #1

His opponents tried to traduce the candidates
reputation by spreading rumor's about the past.

20.Tureen : Deep dish for serving soup

The waiters brought the soup to the tables in silver

  1. Trappings : outward decorations , ornaments.

He loved the trapping of successv

22.Tryst : meeting

The lovres kept their Tyrst even though they realized
their danzer.

23.Transcrible : copy

When you transcrible your notes , please send a copy
to Mr.Smith and keep the original for our files

24.Trajectory : Path taken by a projectile

The police tried to locate the spot from which the
assasin has tried the fatal shot by tracing the
trajectory of the bullet.

25.Tycoon : Wealthy leader

John D.Rocketeller was a prominent tycoon.

Synonyms- U

Synonyms- U
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