A Modern Approach to Verbal Reasoning

(Steven Felgate) #1

abhorred : hated

venerated : highly respected

redundant : repetitive

jocular : jolly

peremptory: putting an end to debate

invoke : call upon for help

5.Jill was ---by her employees because she often ---them for not

working hard enough.[B]

a)deified ----- goaded b) loathed ---- berated

c)disregarded----- eulogized d) cherished----- decided

e)execrated ----lauded

Explanation :

we can predict two positive words,like Jill was appreciated by her

employees because she often forgive the fact that they were lazy,

or two negative words like Jill was disliked by her employees

because she often scolded them for being lazy. [b] matches the

later prediction .Jill was loathed by her employees because she

often berated them for not working hard enough. No other choice

besides{b}contain two like charges.

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