A Modern Approach to Verbal Reasoning

(Steven Felgate) #1
Medieval (or) mediaeval:-

of the middle ages

ag , act to do

Act:- Deed


agog leader

Demagogue :- False leader

of people

Pedagogue :- Teacher (

Leader of Children )

agri , agrari field

Agrarian :- One who

works in the field

Agriculture :- Cultivation

of fields

Peregrination :-

Wandering (through


ali another

Alias :- Assumed

(another) name

Alienate :- Estrange (turn

away from another)

alt high

Altitude :- Height

Altimeter :- Instrument for

measuring height

alter other

Altruistic :- Unselfish,

considering others

Alter ego :- A second self

am love

Amorous :- Loving ,

especially sexually

Amity :- Friendship

Amicable :- Friendly

anim mind, soul

Animadvert :- Cast

criticism upon

Unanimous :- Of one


Magnanimity :- Greatness

of mind or soul

ann , enn year

Annuity :- Yearly


Biennial :- Every two


Perennial :- Present all

year; persisting for several


anthrop human beings

Anthropology :- Study of

human beings

Misanthrope :- Hater of

human kind

Philanthropy :- Love of

human kind ; charity

apt fit Aptitude :- Skill
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