A Modern Approach to Verbal Reasoning

(Steven Felgate) #1
curr , curs to run

Excursion :- Journey

Cursory :- Brief

Precursor :- Fore Runner

da , dat to give

Data :- Facts , Statistics

Mandate :- Command

Date :- Given time

deb , debit to owe

Debt :- Something owed

Indebtedness :- Debt

Debenture :- Bond

dem people

Democracy :- Rule of the


Demagogue :- False leader

of the people

Epidemic :- Widespread (

among the people )

derm skin

Epidermis :- Skin

Pachyderm :- Thick

skinned quadruped

Dermatology :- Study of

skin and its disorders

di , diur day

Diary :- A diary record of

activities , feelings etc.

Diurnal :- Pertaining to

day time

dic , dict to say

Abdicate :- Renounce

Diction :- Speech

Verdict :- Statement of


doc , doct to teach

Docile :- Obedient ; Easily


Document :- Something

that provides evidence

Doctor :- Learned Person

(Originally teacher)

domin to rule

Dominate :- Have power


Domain :- Land under rule

Dominant :- Prevailing

duc , duct to lead

Viaduct :- Arched


Aqueduct :- Artificial


meta involving change

Metamorphosis :- change

of form

micro small

Microcosm :- Miniature


Microscopic :- Extremely


mis hatred Misanthrope :- Person
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