A Modern Approach to Verbal Reasoning

(Steven Felgate) #1
Somnus Sleep

Somnambulistic-pertaining to sleepwalking

insomnious-unable to fall asleep

Fort Strong

Fortitude-strength,firmness of mind


Frag,fract To break

Fragile-easily broken

infraction-breaking of a rule

fractious-unruly,tendind to break rules

Fug To flee

Fugitive-someone who flees

refuge-shelter,home for someone fleeing

Fus To pour

Effusive-gushing,pouring out

diffuse-wide spread(poured in many directions)

Gam Marriage

Polygamy-having many wives or husbands at the

same time


Gen,gener Class,race

Genus-group of animals or plants with similar


generic-characteristic of a class

gender-class organized by sex

Grad,gress To go,to step

Digress-go astray(from the main point)

regress-go backward

gradual-step by step

Graph,gram Writing

Epigram-pithy statement

telegram-instantaneous message over great


stenography-short hand(writing narrowly)

Greg Flock,herd

Gregarious-tending to group together as in a herd


egregious-conspicuously bad;shocking

Helio Sun

Heliotrope-flower that faces the sun

heliograph-instrument that uses the sun’s rays to

send signals

It,itiner Journey,road

Exit-way out

itinerary-plan of journey

Jac,jact,jec To throw

Projectile-missile;something thrown forward

trajectory-path taken by thrown object

ejaculatory-casting or throwing out

Jur,jurat To swear

Perjure-testify falsely

jury-group of men & women sworn to seek the


adjuration-solemn urging

Labor,laborat To work

Laboratory-place where work is done

collaborate-work together with others


Leg,lect,lig To choose,to read


legible-able to be read
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