A Modern Approach to Verbal Reasoning

(Steven Felgate) #1

Usage :In herspeech she tried to pay homage to a great man.

Synonyms- I

Synonyms- I

  1. Ichthyology:Study of fish

  2. Idolatry:Worship of idols,excessive admiration.

Such idolatry of singers of country music is typical of
the excessive enthusiasm of youth.

  1. Igncous:produced by fire ,volcanic,Lava,pumia.

Igncous rocks an found in great abundana around mount

  1. Ignoble:unworthy,not noble.

A true knight,sir Galahad never stopped to perform an
ignoble dud.

  1. Immonility:State of being immovable.

Modern armless cannot afford the luxury of immobility.

  1. Impair:injure,hurt.

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