A Modern Approach to Verbal Reasoning

(Steven Felgate) #1

  1. Jaunt:Trip,Short journey.

He took a quick jaunt to Atlantic.

  1. Jaunty:Lighthrearted ,animated,easy,carefree.

In singing in rain ,Gene kelly sand and danced his way
the lighthreated title number

in a properly jaunty style.

  1. Jeopardize:endanger,imperil,put at risk.

You can't give me a D in chemistry:you'll jeopardize my
of being admitted to M.I.T.

  1. Jettison:throw overboard.

In order to enable the ship to ride safely through the
storm,the captain had to jettison much of his cargo.

  1. Jibe:agree,be in harmony with.

Their stories just don't jibe.

  1. Jingoist:extremely aggressive and militant patriot,
    was like chauvinist.

Always bellowing "America first!" the congressman was
such a jingoist you could almost hear

the sabers rattling as he marched down the halls.

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