A Modern Approach to Verbal Reasoning

(Steven Felgate) #1

The singer complacently received kudos on his performance
from his entourage.

  1. knave : Untrustworthy person , rodue , scoundrel

Any politician nicknamed Tricy Dick clearly has the
reputation of a knave

  1. Killjoy : grouch , spoilsport

At breakfast we had all been enjoying our bacon and eggs
until that killjoy John started talking about how bad
animal fats and cholesterol were for our health

Synonyms- L

Synonyms- L

1)Laggard : Slow, Sluggish

Usage : The Sailor had been taught not to be Laggard

n carrying out orders.

2)Laconic : Brief and to the point.

Usage : Many of the characters portrayed by client

Eastwood are Laconic types:Strong men of few words.

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