A Modern Approach to Verbal Reasoning

(Steven Felgate) #1

Mighty mouse will save the day , huntinmg dowm
malefactors and reescuing innocent
mice from peril

6.Malign : Speak evil of , bad-mouth , defame

Putting her hands over her ears Rose refused to
listen to Betty malign her friend Susan

7.Manifesto : declaration , Statement of policy.

The communist manifesto by Marx proclaimed the
principles of modern communism.

  1. Mandatory : obligatory

These instructions are mandatory , any violation
will be severely punished.

9.Maladorous : Foul smelling

The compost heap was most malodorous in summer.

  1. Manacle : restran , handcuff.

The police immediately manacledthe prisoner so he
could not escape.

  1. Masochist : person who enjoys his own pain

The masochist begs , ' hit me'. The sadist smiles
and says , 'I wont'.

12.Matriarch : woman who rules a family or larger
social group

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