Gramsci, Antonio 36, 74, 83, 104,
156–7, 158
on common sense 193–4
Grégoire report 187–9
Grice, Paul 67, 71, 121, 142, 167, 201
Habermas and 47, 49
groups 127, 137
Guantanamo 61, 62
Guattari, Félix 11, 17–18, 74, 110, 169,
on communication 66
on feudalism 126–7, 199–200
on Kafka 211–12
on language 129–38
on Lenin 99, 101, 102
Marxism and 118–38
on minority 211–13
on myth of origins 132
on order-words 99, 102, 110, 130–1,
133, 137
pragmatics of 163
Voloshinov and 116
A Thousand Plateaus(with Deleuze)
99, 133, 186–7, 199–200
Anti-Oedipus(with Deleuze) 181
Capitalism and Schizophrenia(with
Deleuze) 122–5, 128
Psychanalyse et transversalité 127
Habermas, Jürgen 12–13, 67, 90, 121,
184, 201, 219
on Bush 62
compared to Chomsky 50, 58–9
ethics of 57, 60
on ideology 63
on imperialism 62–3
his project 45
literature and 53–4
Marxist project and 58
myth of origins and 55–7
as outdated 59–62
‘Interpreting the Fall of a Monument’
Postmetaphysical Thinking 52–7
The Theory of Communicative Action
Haeckel, Ernst 56, 147
Hardt, Michael 122, 214
Negri, Antonio 122, 214
Harpham, Geoffrey 208
Harris, Roy 94n34, 114, 140
Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich 11
Heidegger, Martin 36, 70, 135, 143, 163
Herder, Johan Gottfried 111
human nature 35, 116, 124
Humboldt, Wilhelm 111
Huyghe, François-René 217–18
I-language (Chomsky) 25, 26–7, 38,
42–3, 140, 183
defined 22
ideology 40, 93, 120–1, 164–5, 168–9,
Althusser on 171, 208
Barthes on 170–1
communication as 64–6, 73, 213–16
Deleuze and Guattari on 123, 126
dominant 64–72
Habermas on 63
Marx on 94–6
of consensus 218–19
Voloshinov on 107, 108–9
ideosphere (Barthes) 170–1
imperialism 194, 206–8
communication and 65–66
English and 3, 5–9, 135–6, 162, 206–8
French and 170
Habermas and 60–63
television and 6, 8, 207
incorporeal transformation 99, 133–4,
137, 166
indirect speech 116, 131–3
individualism 109, 112, 120, 123, 135,
142, 162–3, 183, 198, 202
advantage of 173
Chomsky and 21, 34–5, 67
Habermas and 56
body and 176
Marx and 90
Voloshinov and 114
Indonesia 63
insults 1–3, 53, 114–15, 131, 132, 167,
interlocution (Habermas) 46, 48, 51–7,
62, 96, 108, 116
internal monologue (Voloshinov) 111
interpellation (Althusser) 121, 135, 148,
163, 165–7, 168, 171, 173–4, 182, 198,
203, 208–9
see alsocounter-interpellation
intonation 115, 131, 144, 195
Iraq 1, 60–2, 103, 131, 164, 220
Irigaray, Luce 178–9
irony 132
Italian 192
Jakobsen, Roman 68, 70
Jameson, Fredric 197
Johnson, Mark 25–6, 95n37, 165–6,
176–7, 194, 219
Julia, Dominique 187–8
Kafka, Franz 128, 136, 211
Kant, Immanuel 94–5
Kosovo 60, 62
Index • 233