ISSN 1570–1522
- ARTHUR, C.J. The New Dialectic and Marx’s Capital.
ISBN 90 04 12798 4 (2002, hardcover), 90 04 13643 6 (2004,
paperback) - LÖWY, M. The Theory of Revolution in the Young Marx. 2003.
ISBN 90 04 12901 4 - CALLINICOS, A. Making History. Agency, Structure, and Change
in Social Theory. 2004. ISBN 90 04 13627 4 - DAY, R.B. Pavel V. Maksakovsky: The Capitalist Cycle. An Essay
on the Marxist Theory of the Cycle. Translated with Introduction
and Commentary. 2004. ISBN 90 04 13824 2 - BROUÉ, P. The German Revolution, 1917-1923. 2005.
ISBN 90 04 13940 0 - MIÉVILLE, C. Between Equal Rights. A Marxist Theory of Interna-
tional Law. 2005. ISBN 90 04 13134 5 - BEAUMONT, M. Utopia Ltd. Ideologies of Social Dreaming in
England 1870-1900. 2005. ISBN 90 04 14296 7 - KIELY, R. The Clash of Globalisations. Neo-Liberalism, the Third
Way and Anti-Globalisation. 2005. ISBN 90 04 14318 1 - LIH, L.T. Lenin Rediscovered: What Is to Be Done?in Context.
2005. ISBN 90 04 13120 5 - SMITH, T. Globalisation. A Systematic Marxian Account. 2006.
ISBN 90 04 14727 6 - BURKETT, P. Marxism and Ecological Economics. Toward a Red
and Green Political Economy. 2006. ISBN 90 04 14810 8 - LECERCLE, J.J. Marxist Philosophy of Language. 2006.
ISBN 90 04 14751 9