A New Architecture for Functional Grammar (Functional Grammar Series)

(backadmin) #1
FDG and language production 193

also heeding (div), (16) from also heeding (dii) and (div), and (11) from
heeding all the demands of the representational component.

  1. Conclusion

I have taken as my point of departure Hengeveld’s (this volume) proposal
for the architecture of a Functional Discourse Grammar. With a view to
enhancing the psychological adequacy of FG and realizing the ambition of
bringing FG closer to a production model, I have suggested that the
interaction and expression levels can be reformulated as operating
incrementally in real time. At the interactional level, moves consist of se-
quences of acts, which in turn consist of sequences of subacts; at the
expression level, too, there is a sequence of constituents. Speakers typically
activate the expression level before completing the underlying act at the
interactional level. The representational level is regarded as a declarative
component that can be called upon to constrain these two real-time proc-
esses where lexical items from the fund are involved. A major contribution
of this level is to provide supportive material against which the Focus of
the Speaker’s message can be understood, encouraging and often constrain-
ing the speaker to provide more information than that Focus alone. It is
hoped that this approach can offer something to the understanding of the
ontogenesis of multi-word speech in infants and to the study of the im-
plicitness of much conversational speech.


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