A New Architecture for Functional Grammar (Functional Grammar Series)

(backadmin) #1
FG and the dynamics of discourse 225

(who killed Cock Robin?, 1994: 48). All other thematic choices will be
marked – e.g. (1a), (2b) above in contrast with the other unmarked coun-
In addition, also relevant for the ongoing discussion is the fact that the
Theme zone may house different functional loads. I dub ‘extended multiple
Themes’ (EMTs) those cases in which ETs are preceded and/or followed
by elements with a textual or an interpersonal orientation, which I shall call
‘textual Themes’ (TTs) and ‘interpersonal Themes’ (ITs) respectively, un-
der the assumption that the latter mark a boundary between the Theme
zone and the Rest (or Rheme). (6) – (9) below illustrate different kinds of

(6) a. ⏐ a —journalist ∨convoy ⏐ of about \fifteen ∨cars ⏐ was a\ssembled ⏐ and —
lights ∨flashing ⏐ it was ∨dusk ⏐ we —tore ‘down the \road ⏐ ‘holding —white
∨flags ⏐ —out of our \windows ⏐ (LIBMSECA04: 080) (ET) (TT^ET^ET)
b. ⏐ yet —she for her /treasure will en—dure ⏐ and ∨tremble ⏐ and —so find —
peace ⏐ that \passeth our under\standing ⏐ (LIBMSECH04: 033) (TT^ET^ET)
c. ⏐ /well ⏐ _em ⏐ \those that \come from agricultural \families \will ‘work ⏐ ∨on
the ‘land⏐ (LSECJPT06: 279–80) (TT^TT^ET)
(7) a. ⏐ and of \course they ‘lived in ∧ ‘segregated ∨quarters ⏐ which was \maybe O‘K
in the be∨ginning ⏐ but ∧ \later there was a ∨doorman ⏐ on the ∧ ∨women's build-
ing ⏐ ‘and they ∧ just —weren't a‘llowed to ∧ ‘visit at \all ⏐ (LIBMSECJ06: 016–
017) (TT^IT^ET)
b. ⏐ because ‘obviously Su∨dan is ⏐ ‘by and large a ∨Muslim country ⏐
(LIBMSECC06: 297) (TT^IT^ET)
(8) a. ⏐ West∨morland for e°xample ⏐ became par\ticularly ∨passionate ⏐ when
\talking about the °influence ⎯television re∨porting from Viet°nam ⏐ had \had on
the ∨White °House ⏐ in the °late \sixties ⏐ (LSECAPT03: 030) (ET^TT)
b. ⏐ —one figure inci‘dentally ⏐ you \may find \useful for ⏐ ∨tax ‘purposes ⏐
(LIBMSECF02: 064) (ET^IT)
(9) a. ↑and in ⎯Mara \dona ⏐ without \doubt ⏐ they °had the \star of the ∧
°compe°tition ⏐ (LIBMSECJPT01: 065) ) (TT^ET^IT)
b. ⏐ the \Shi'ites in∨side ⏐ are \not the ‘hard cases of the _terrorist \world ⏐ in‘deed
∨most of them ⏐ ‘probably did ‘little /more ⏐ than ‘be in the —wrong /place ⏐ at
the _wrong \time ⏐ (LIBMSECA07: 028) (TT^ET^IT)
c. ⏐ thus one /third for e‘xample ⏐ was ∨written as ⏐ —three _vertical \strokes ⏐
↓with the ∨mouth symbol placed a\bove them ⏐ (LIBMSECD03: 040)
(TT^ET^TT ⎯the two TTs being of different kinds⎯)

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