A New Architecture for Functional Grammar (Functional Grammar Series)

(backadmin) #1

322 Ahmed Moutaouakil

vance is evidenced, for example, by the fact that, in ‘polite’ languages such
as Japanese, politeness is coded by both grammatical and lexical means
which are to be underlyingly represented as Politeness operators and satel-
lites respectively.

  1. By ‘non-formal embedding’, I refer to the kind of linkage that is found in
    constructions like Paul said: “John is an excellent linguist.” where John is
    an excellent linguist is an embedded clause functioning as a (Goal) second
    argument of the matrix predicate said. More generally, this is the type of
    embedding involved in (parts of) texts where successive clauses inherit
    some of their (illocutionary, modal, temporal, etc.) features from globally
    fixed values. It becomes clear that any formally oriented approach to em-
    bedding phenomena fails to properly describe the structure of this type of

  2. For the structural parallelism between a text and a piece of music, see Dik
    (1997b: 415). In the same vein, J. Amjad (p.c.) has pointed out to me that
    the structure of a musical composition is quite similar to the ADS advocated


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