A New Architecture for Functional Grammar (Functional Grammar Series)

(backadmin) #1
Towards a speaker model of FG 353

It turns out now that the hesitation was not long enough, and has not led
to a solution of the search problem. It is therefore followed by three addi-
tional pauses of different types: silence; the prolonged uh- and the
meaningless interjection you know. The first two belong structurally to
move M 6. We think, however that the you know bit should be seen as a new
Move, M 7 , pushed on top of whatever is in working memory. Arguably,
whatever was there is ‘saved’ in the background, for later elaboration.
The new move M 7 is a very simple one. The contents of its Act, A 7 , are
a sole illocutionary operator. Its function is to recapture the attention of the
hearers which may be flagging because of the long pause. The structure of
M 7 is as in (25) below. It will be sent directly to the expression component,
after which a lexicon search will provide its form.

(25) (M 7 : [INFRM [(A 7 : [ATT])]])

For this side step a new top node is created, which gets the pragmatic
structure of (25) as the only filler of its Config field. The ATT operator
will get expression via a special interj(ection) node, which searches the
lexicon for a node of the grammatical category ‘interjection’.

(26) NODE 1’ (fully instantiated)
Lab: sentence
Config: [att]
FncFtrs: att
SubCat: interj

NODE 2’ (uninstantiated)
Lab: interj
Config: [FORM, [INTERJ], TYPE ]
FncFtrs: TYPE

NODE 2’ (partially instantiated)
Lab: interj
Config: [FORM, [INTERJ], att ]
FncFtrs: att

NODE 2’ (fully instantiated)
Lab: interj
Config: [ynow , [INTERJ], att ]
FncFtrs: att
SubCat: ynow
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