St. Louis | Bangkok Photo Walks, Issue 94

(Bangkok Photographers) #1


After each walk, you will have one week to submit images for
Bangkok Photo Walks. The deadline is the Sunday after the day of
the walk.

Please choose 8-20 of your best images, process them as specified
below, put them in a single ZIP file, and email that file to:

[email protected]

Please do not use Google Drive, Dropbox, or other file sharing sites.

You should get a confirmation email within 24 hours of sending your
submissions. If you do not get such an email, please send a follow-
up enquiry to ensure that your photos were received.

Copyright: In the “Copyright” or “Description” slot of your photo
editing software, put the copyright symbol, year and your name, eg:
© 2023 Greg Rhodes. Remember to check/tick mark it copyrighted.

Filename: Name your files with no letters or numbers in front of
your name, eg: GregRhodes-1 (and so on).

Size: 2,048 pixels on the long edge at 300 ppi, jpeg quality setting 8
(80%), creating a file of about 1-2 MB.

Metadata: Please select the option to include “All Metadata”.

Please do not include watermarks or frames.

Have questions? Contact Greg at the above address.

Magazine Submission Guidelines

* Submissions for the Photographs of the Photographers section are not counted among your 8-20 images. Please feel free to send as many as you can.
* Please do not post submitted images on social media until after the magazine has been published and showcased at the Walk Talk.

If you would like your photos featured in Bangkok Photo Walks, please feel free to join one of our walks and submit the shots you took on it.
Everyone who submits images will have at least one included in the magazine, though final choices on content are at the discretion of the
BPG leadership team.

Example of export options from Adobe Lightroom (Classic)
Free download pdf