Unit 7 • Informalletters
104 • Task types
1 .1 Layout of a note
In the lett er above , Rach el says'I meant to leave a note, but Iforgot'.This is the
note she might have left.
2 Arantxa-
Justa quicknotetosaythankyou.Stayinginyourfiat
has beenfantastic.
i'mafraidIgothere 2 dayslate(strikeatHeathrow)&
bothyourgoldfishhad died. Very sorry,buthopethatyou
likethenew fish.
3 Don'tforgetmypartyon Nov5th- i'msolookingforward
toseeing you&hearing aliaboutMorocco.
i'm offnowtotheairport.See you soon.
4 Rachel
PSl'Iileavethekey s withJosune.
1 \VheredidRach elleavethis note?
2 Why is th e notesho rte rthanthe letter?
3 HowdidRach elmanageto include all theimportantpoints o f the le tte rina sho rt
note ?Whatdidshe le aveoutin termsof(a) information(h)grammar?
- Itis ofte nappro pri ate to pnt the time rather thanthe date, especiallywhen yo u
expect the personto read the note the sameday. - Itisacceptable ,hut notnecessary,towriteDear.
- Itis acceptable, but no tnec essary, to writeLo ve, Best wishes ,Yours ,e tc.