Unit7 • Informalletters
Read theformalletter, written by a job applicantto the head teacher of a school,
and use the i nformation to fill the gaps in the informalletterto a friend whoworks
in thatschool. Usenomorethantwowordsfor each gap. Theexercise begins
w ith an example(0). Thewordsyou needdonotoccurin the informalletter. See
page 11 forinformat ion andadvice aboutt his exercisetype.
I very muchregret tha t,as theresultofan injury,I shall not be able to
atte nd the inter view on A ugust 15th for the post of SportsTeach er.
Havin g suffe redan injuryon July 1st while playin g tennisin the
Wimbledontournament ,I am at pre sentunder goin ghospitaltreatment
to my knee. C onseq ue ntly, I fear that I shall not besufficientlymobile
tomakethe journeyto Sevenoaks until lateAugu st.
Doubtl e ssthis will be mostincon veni en t for you,andI willofcourse
underst andif you are unable toawait myrecoverybeforeappointing
so meo ne to thepost. Neverthe less,sho uldyoure maininte rested in my
applicatio n, Ifullyexpec t to beavailab lefo r interviewby September1st
at the latest.
I l ookforwardto hearin g fro myo u.
Yours sincerely,
Informallette r
reallyearry butit iaoke asifI won'tbe abieto
(I) tothejob interviewatyourschoolin August.
- ---- - ---I'llseeifIca npers uade themt o intervie wmeinSeptember
;:~tead.A pityif I'vemis sedmycha nce,becaus eI'msureitwouid've beenfunworking
. Th h'. I( "') hurtpiayingtennisatWlmbiedon,
Withyou. et mgIS, oJ k
a nd(4) I'minhospital(5) ,my nee.
sortedout(6) I'm(7) Imnotgomg
- ---- - ---I'llseeifIca npers uade themt o intervie wmeinSeptember
tocome downtoSevenoakstilltheendofAugust.
t o be t
Asfar astheinterviewgoes,thisisobviouslygoingtobea
(9 )1 for them.Iexpectthey'll (10)' _
someoneelsethe(11) withoutwaitingt oseeme.
(12) ,I'll tryand persuadeyour Dr Coxtointerview me in
Sept-atworst,s he'll say no.
(1.3)I ~
Dear Pat,
106 • Tasktypes