Inform ation reports:people
Reco mmendatio n reports
Eye witnessandnarrativereports
8A Informationreports: people
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1.0 Appraisal report
A Readthe followingconversation, inwhicha hospital administrator, Gary, gives an
informal,spoken report on a clerical worker. Usethe informationin the conversation
to fillthe numberedgaps in themoreformal report written by his colleague Annette.
Usenomorethantwowordsfor each gap. The wordsyou need donotoccurin
thespoken version. The exercisebegins withanexample(0).
112 • Task types
Annett e
Annett e
I wonderif youcan helpme, Gary, I' vebeenasked to write a
reporton one of our newclericalworkers, but I've beenaway
forthreemonth sand I hardly know where to start.She 's called
Chan KitYu. I thinkshe camein January.
Well,first of all I' d say Kit's been fantas tic,es pecially in the
circumstances. Imean,I thinkyou' ll rem em ber that, whatwith
the epide mic, thenthe nurse s' strike, thereha vebeen alot of
problems; so everyone in the hospital's been getting pretty tired
and fedup, and there's been alot of latenessandabsenteeism.
Anyway, Kit's been oneofthe fe wwho hasn' t letthe pressure s
affecther.She' s alwayson time,and she's neverbeen off sick.
I' vee ve n managed to gether t o work overtimeonceor twice,
on therareoccasion when she didn 'thaveany rehearsalsto go
I rem emb ernow.Isn' t she so mekindofpopsinge r')
Somethin glikethat. She usedto talk aboutit all the time.butI
hadto put a stoptoit.In her first few weeks she' dspend the
wholemorning telling everyone about hermusic and her
adventures -everybodylo ved it, of course,a nd nobody got any
work done, so I had awordwithher and nowshe toesthe line.
As I say,she 's seriousand hardworking. Oh yes, wed idhave
oneteething problem, At first she wasprettyhopeless on the
computerandshe didn' t see mto know anyofthe softwa re. But
wese nt her on a course,and now she'sfine,